Part 2 – Important Elements in Teaching Yoga

Dig into the second of eight chapters that will be published!

The content of our videos is inspired by Anne’s book as well as the life experiences of both Anne and Amie.

Each chapter beautifully builds upon the previous one going deeper into the subtleties and intricacies of the yoga teacher’s path.

Get a glimpse into the depth and richness you can expect from this collection by watching our two free videos!

A full description of the videos and topics of Chapter 2 are presented below.

These videos were recorded between Paris, France
and Victoria, Canada via Skype.
Please note that the sound quality varies a little
in Part 1 and Part 2.

Total length: 4h 44min.

Price: 169€


FOREWORD (Watch the video above)

Opening the course and its topics.
Anne & Amie talk about their beginnings as professional yoga teachers.
Through teaching they learned what’s important and necessary:
Clarity, openness, boundaries, responsibility and growth.

INTRODUCTION (Watch the video above)

Teaching yoga requires maturity.
Maturity equals openness, boundaries and responsibility.
Understanding the basic principles of teaching yoga:
Awareness of who you are.
Honest communication and interactions.
Teacher’s task to communicate feelings, emotions and listen to others.
Being a people pleaser vs. honesty and self-respect.
Depth in feelings, emotions, energy.
Teacher brings presence.



1.2 Creating ideal conditions | Appropriate space

What things support the yoga practice in a physical place?
A safe space.
Surroundings count too.
Information, communication.
Taking care of the space in many ways.
The students have their part in maintaining the order.


1.3 Creating ideal conditions | Smells

In asana practices people sweat. How do you make the room fresh again, if many classes?
Bad smells make people hold back, hinder the relaxation.
Perfumes, unwashed cloths. Incense.
Neutrality for the peace of mind.


1.4 Creating ideal conditions | Clothes

Teacher’s clothes, students’ clothes.
Change clothes for the practice and for teaching.
Clean, comfortable and practical clothes.
You don’t have to “dress up” like a yoga teacher.
What signals do you put out?


1.5 Creating ideal conditions | Maintaining silence

Silence is a good way to start a yoga class.
The mind calms down when talking stops.
Silence gives a new quality to the work.
It allows one to get into the body.
A yoga teacher is present even if (s)he’s not talking.


1.6 Creating ideal conditions | Moving during class

How can students move about the yoga room without disturbing others?
What happens when a student leaves the room for a long time?
Silent communication & connection to others.


1.7 Creating ideal conditions | Finishing class

Teach how to finish class without abrupt changes in the state of mind.
The awareness continues.
Keep calm also in dressing rooms.
Endings are important.
Teacher sets example.
Protect students who don’t want to socialize and prefer to remain quiet.
Leave the space clean and take your things with you.


2. Joining form and content

Joining the form and the content.
Understanding the signification of the form and that it’s not the essence.
Knowing different layers in the yoga process.
Some people get the form quickly, but they miss the essence.


3. Separate teaching from practice

Opening the class with a theme to be in the same atmosphere.
Talking means people are in their minds. Asana practice is a possibility to get into the body.
Demonstrations during students’ practice.
How to avoid dispersing students’ energy when we talk.


4. Healing

Even if yoga teachers are not necessarily healers, healing can take place in safe conditions.
First people heal wounds through their bodies. The emotional healing follows.
The relaxation is necessary.
When the body doesn’t react anymore, the emotions have been healed. When the body is pure and relaxed, it doesn’t carry your past.


5. Confidentiality

Teachers don’t talk about their students to others.
Almost everything is confidential.
Ask your students if you can share their stories.
Confidentiality is one part of creating a safe space.
Trust allows the teacher-student relationship to deepen.


6. Pertinent language

Language reflects our mind and also our motivations.
Choice of right words is important.
Clarity of speech.
Swear words don’t create good atmosphere.
Listen to the reality behind the words of the students.
How do you address your students? Can you use terms of endearment?