A taste of Craniosacral Biodynamics


Introduction to Craniosacral Biodynamics

“Listening to the vital forces that create, shape and restore Health”

In this workshop we will explore some basic principles of craniosacral biodynamics and we look at the Primary Respiration System in theory and practice. That will give us a taste of this unique healing art.

After introducing some of the main concepts, we will learn how to connect with the Primary Respiration System and listen to its subtle expression in the fluids and tissues of the body with our hands, from a quiet place within ourselves.

The “Breath of Life”, another name for the life force, will guide us to perceive the tide-like fluctuation in the fluids of the body and in the field around. It is an expression of the underlying Health and is always present, reshaping and regenerating our bodies from moment to moment.

As a practitioner of craniosacral biodynamics we are always coming back to our center and our inner resources to support the healing process.
There will be teachings and practical exercises to explore and deepen our perception. Through the exchanges we are receiving a profound taste of this method.

For more details about the method visit: http://www.craniotraining.com/

Agàta Heinz Holliger

Agàta H. Holliger, OmL TC, BCST, SEP, has worked for more than 30 years as a complementary therapist with various body work techniques, including massage, deep-tissue massage, craniosacral and visceral balancing, in combination with meditation.

He has trained with Bhadrena C. Tschumi and Kavi Gemin since 1990 both in the biomechanic and biodynamic approaches of craniosacral therapy and in craniosacral pediatrics. He is a Biodynamic Craniosacral therapist and a Somatic Experiencing® practitioner in trauma resolution as well as SVEB instructor for adults and has a federal diploma in complementary therapy from Switzerland.

He is a member of CranioSuisse and ACSI (Italy) and he is an assistant teacher in the International Craniosacral Balancing Institute. Currently he is offering craniosacral courses and training, as well as individual sessions, in Switzerland and in Europe.


Anne Nuotio

Anne Nuotio has worked with the human body for more than 25 years. She’s been practicing yoga daily and she’s been dancing ballet and flamenco wholeheartedly for years. She’s interested in understanding the human spirit through the body’s messages.

From the very beginning of her yoga teacher career she was interested in listening to the body’s energy, prana, and what was behind the prana. Now she calls this consciousness the Breath of Life.

In 2014 Anne took part to a biodynamic craniosacral training in Southern France where Agàta Heinz Holliger and Marga Berr were her teachers. After having graduated in 2017 Anne was assisting Marga Berr in a two year training. Anne is giving biodynamic craniosacral sessions regularly in Finland and France.

In this course Anne is assisting Agàta and doing the English-Finnish translation of Agàta’s teaching.


10.00-13.00 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice
14.30-18.00 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice

9.30-13.00 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice
14.30-18.00 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice

9.00-12.00 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice
13.00-15.30 Biodynamic work – teaching and practice

The mornings start with a self practice yoga and free danse to get into the fluid feeling of the body.


Hyvän Olon Joogakeskus
Rauhankatu 3 C, 2nd floor


Price: 380€
Account: FI46 1021 3500 0769 78
Reference: 18212
Account holder: Anne Nuotio

Payment before 1.8.2021


Before 1.7.2021

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